silver linings

If you say 2020 is a tough year, that will be an understatement. It seems as if it is a period to experience one crisis after another, and everyone is suffering physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Additionally, if you are still watching the news, you may be imagining that each day is turning out worse than the previous one.

The good news is that you are most probably discovering that you are much more resilient than you think. The current crisis demands courage to reach out and help families at a greater risk than before, treat suffering patients in hospital wards, remain patient after losing a job and help children with online learning while trying to put food on the table, and for one to persevere in precarious working conditions.

As much as that is the case, there is a silver lining amidst all the uncertainty and here are details to confirm the same.

1. Enhanced Interactions

As lockdowns and stay-at-home orders remain in place, individuals are spending more time with their families. Parents can finally enjoy the opportunity to bond with their children as they work on various chores around the house, and as they help them with their online lessons. Also, many people now appreciate the ability to send emails, make phone calls, and the benefits of video chat too.

Although in-person meetings are not permissible at the moment, this is not hindering communication between family and friends at such a time as this, thanks to technology. As a result, interactions between individuals are better, which is strengthening both new and existing relationships.

2. People Are Exhibiting A Sense of Maturity

As the pandemic unfolds, people are taking time to rediscover themselves both mentally and physically even as they reevaluate particular decisions. As such, the current situation is becoming life-transforming for many individuals who are adopting a better lifestyle. For instance, the closure of bars and clubs implies that people are drinking less, which is bearing a positive impact on their lives.

Also, there is more time for meditation, working out, and preparing healthy meals at home, which is helping individuals lead a healthy lifestyle.

3. Companies Are Leveraging Remote Working

Although some businesses are closing down, it is not all doom and gloom in the job market. Employers are finally realizing the benefits and possibilities of remote work environments even as they explore the same. So, instead of opting for layoffs because offices are now inaccessible, business owners are providing their workers with the resources they need to set up work stations where they live.

As a result, employees are enjoying the flexibility that comes with a remote culture, and employers are benefiting from the continuity of operations under the current circumstances. Remote working is helping businesses adapt to the present situation and thrive at the same time.

4. Hope Is Rising

Scientists are working round the clock to invent a cure for COVID-19, and some patients are recovering after suffering from the disease. These are some of the reasons why most individuals believe that things are going to get better at some point. Also, most people are discovering new opportunities and even going into self-employment after losing their jobs.

Such individuals have faith that they can make it in the current environment, and their passion is helping them succeed.

5. Increased Savings

The fact that most people are not going out and commuting to work is no longer part of the expenses that some individuals have to budget for implies that savings are increasing. Adopting a saving culture is a problem for some people, and the pandemic is helping them discover how they can save for both short-term and long-term goals.

There is a high probability that those who cultivate a culture of saving now will continue doing so going forward.


Everyone around the world is facing the same challenge at the moment. The best thing is that this is an opportune time to figure out how to transform what is happening into a great story. The details above are a confirmation that there is a silver lining at the face of COVID-19.