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Category: COVID-19

Top Five Grocery Trends for Summer 2022

As the temperature rises and COVID-19 restrictions continue to go the wayside, how are you preparing for Summer of 2022? Barbecues will be booming, pool parties prospering, and cookouts commencing. Shopping lists will be switching to beers and burgers, while roast and red wines will hibernate until the first sign of crisp cool air returns. …

Top Five Grocery Trends for Summer 2022 Read More »

Retail’s Next Steps; Getting Ready for the New Normal (Part 2 of 2)

In last week’s article, we reviewed some of the ways that Tractor Supply Company used both situational advantages and corporate nimbleness to move through the pandemic with positive momentum.  Obviously, TSC had some tailwinds that other retailers did not have as the pandemic’s effects were felt.  What are the equivalent changes we anticipate as consumer …

Retail’s Next Steps; Getting Ready for the New Normal (Part 2 of 2) Read More »

traveling during covid-19

Are You Traveling Differently? How this Affects the Industry and You

Of all the things upended since March of this year, travel, both personal and business, is among the most disrupted. Some people are choosing not to travel until the pandemic is over, others are cautiously venturing out, but taking different trips in different ways. This has resulted in a shift in travel habits for both …

Are You Traveling Differently? How this Affects the Industry and You Read More »

Exploring the Rural/Urban Divide: When Flyover Country isn’t Flown Over Anymore

As part of our research on the impact of coronavirus on the consumer marketplace, we have been tracking which government and health agencies people view as responsible for managing the response to the outbreak, and how they rate these agencies’ performance. Our data reveals a significant divide in patterns between rural, urban, and suburban attitudes …

Exploring the Rural/Urban Divide: When Flyover Country isn’t Flown Over Anymore Read More »

From Face Masks to EMT Teams: Personal Control and Its Impact on Reopening

For more than a month much the country has been in ‘lockdown’ due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now the process of reopening is beginning, with some states starting to loosen their stay-at-home measures. As we noted last week, our ongoing research into public perceptions of the coronavirus outbreak shows the public is starting to think …

From Face Masks to EMT Teams: Personal Control and Its Impact on Reopening Read More »

Cracks in the Ice: What Consumers Think about Reopening America

Since early March, MAi Research has been conducting a tracking study to understand people’s reactions to the coronavirus outbreak, delivering insights to clients and businesses.  We’ve been delving deep into the emotional side of this crisis, and with recent increasing pressure to “reopen America” we decided to shift our research toward understanding attitudes and emotions …

Cracks in the Ice: What Consumers Think about Reopening America Read More »

A Shared Reaction: The Universal Response to Coronavirus

You may be familiar with the “Choose Your Quarantine House” meme that’s been making the social media rounds recently; the premise is to create different “Big Brother” type houses filled with diverse personalities that may clash with each other when forced to live under lockdown.  From sports figures to philosophers, entertainers to politicians, variations create …

A Shared Reaction: The Universal Response to Coronavirus Read More »

Bored and Anxious, but Holding onto Hope – Consumers’ Emotional Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

As part of our continuing exploration of consumers’ behaviors and attitudes during the current COVID-19 outbreak, MAi/Pathfinder has used our unique methods to explore the emotional impact the current situation is having on the public. In our tracking study we are asking consumers to describe in detail their current feelings and state of mind as …

Bored and Anxious, but Holding onto Hope – Consumers’ Emotional Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic Read More »