Your customers are your lifeblood. Do you know how to Engage and Persuade them effectively?

Tag: market research

Man Searching Web

Harvesting Better Insights by Mining Your Existing Data

Data are constantly being collected, whether it be concept or product tests, sales data, tracking data, review data, etc. Focusing on each data set individually drives decision-making for product and service marketing. Now, where do all those data go once a study is finished? It’s likely going to sit on a computer somewhere. In fact, …

Harvesting Better Insights by Mining Your Existing Data Read More »

marketing team

What does an “ideal” Client/Supplier relationship look like in today’s Market Insights world?

The evolution of the Insights industry has accelerated and continues to accelerate.  New platforms, sources of behavioral and attitudinal data, analyses, etc. can make the landscape seem overwhelming to both clients and suppliers in the space.  Terms like ‘quick and dirty’ and ‘good enough’ have emerged as viable options for some clients while the rigor …

What does an “ideal” Client/Supplier relationship look like in today’s Market Insights world? Read More »

Challenges and Implications during the COVID-19 Outbreak

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Challenge: How can businesses navigate this rapid behavior change to win market share? Observation: Prior to the outbreak, many companies were focused on how to encourage more online shopping. During the current situation, consumers are shopping and communicating using online channels like never before. [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Accordion_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Challenge: How can I make sure these …

Challenges and Implications during the COVID-19 Outbreak Read More »